Health and Happy Survival Tips

The holidays often make me feel a little bipolar. There are so many ups, so much fun, so much excitement, but then all this often leads to a crashing halt. But, I truly believe this doesn’t need to happen. Our healthy and happy glow can be maintained during the holidays. Here are some of my […]

Short Journey. Far Distance.

One year does not sound like a lot. One mile sounds even less. But, over the past year, my husband has been working non-stop on transforming a house only one short mile away into our perfect oasis from the world. In retrospect, one year should not seem catastrophic and one mile is a short jog […]

What I Learned in the Jungle

When I travel, I love soaking it all up. I love indulging in what surrounds me. I love being free of my everyday routine even if I ditch it for another. I very rarely bring home gifts from my travels. And, if I do, it’s typically food because I love bringing home some of my culinary favorites. […]

I Have Been Living a LIE…

I’ve been living a lie… Well, I guess that’s a little dramatic, but it’s partially the truth. My “asana” yoga practice has dwindled a bit throughout the summer. So, I started to question my commitment to yoga and my authenticity as a yoga teacher, but then it all became clear. Yoga teaches us to become […]

Being Alone

My heart was pounding. My legs were shaky. And, I kept hearing…”Oh Shit!” in my head. Before I get to the good stuff, let me preface the remainder of this story. Each year I spend some time in Cape May, NJ by myself. I use the time to catch up on writing and planning and […]

My Determination to Heal My Body

When I broke my knee cap at the age of 30 and was quickly diagnosed with osteoporosis there after, my spirit felt shattered. I was a vegan. I was a runner. I did yoga… I thought I was doing everything right. After seeing specialists in Philadelphia and Manhattan and running tons of tests on me, no […]

Managing the Moment

There are definitely moments I wish I could erase from my memory. There are definitely moments I wish I could relive so that I could do it differently. There are a lot of moments that have created my life and there are a lot of moments that have created yours. We often live each day […]

Getting Personal

With social media at our fingertips and on our minds constantly, is there much remaining in our lives that is truly personal? I am not judging, but rather just discussing and wondering what is still personal for you or me. I thought about this a lot when traveling through the South with my dear friend […]

I Cannot Control You

“You LET him do that?!?!” It is not the first time, nor the last time, that I will hear these words from a friend, family member or student. People often wonder how I could ever let my husband smoke, eat meat, not do yoga on a regular, etc… The truth is, no matter how strong […]

Lost for Words!

Since returning from Italy, my pep in my step has been a little deflated. Trying to combat jet lag, catching up on the never ending to-do list and managing a calendar filled with endless social obligations and lots of classes has me a bit worn out. So, over the last few days, my tired brain […]