Feeling Full

Happy 2016! As I sit here and contemplate what to write to kick off the New Year, one feeling and word keeps running through my mind…Full! Yes, I do feel a little more physically “full” after two weeks of some extra indulging, but I also feel FULL of LOVE, HAPPINESS and EXCITEMENT for 2016. I […]

Finding Steadiness in Stillness

I love these words: steadiness and stillness. I love how both make me feel. I love that when you combine them they become magical. Can you be steady without stillness? Can you be still without steadiness? I notice in my own practice and I see it in my students’ practice. We can be still but […]

Choose Wisely

Life is filled with lots of choices. And, the holidays seem to be filled with even more making it an extremely stressful time of year. What gatherings do you choose to attend? What gifts do you choose to buy and who do you buy them for? What do you choose to eat and drink? Our […]

Health and Happy Survival Tips

The holidays often make me feel a little bipolar. There are so many ups, so much fun, so much excitement, but then all this often leads to a crashing halt. But, I truly believe this doesn’t need to happen. Our healthy and happy glow can be maintained during the holidays. Here are some of my […]

Short Journey. Far Distance.

One year does not sound like a lot. One mile sounds even less. But, over the past year, my husband has been working non-stop on transforming a house only one short mile away into our perfect oasis from the world. In retrospect, one year should not seem catastrophic and one mile is a short jog […]

What I Learned in the Jungle

When I travel, I love soaking it all up. I love indulging in what surrounds me. I love being free of my everyday routine even if I ditch it for another. I very rarely bring home gifts from my travels. And, if I do, it’s typically food because I love bringing home some of my culinary favorites. […]

I Have Been Living a LIE…

I’ve been living a lie… Well, I guess that’s a little dramatic, but it’s partially the truth. My “asana” yoga practice has dwindled a bit throughout the summer. So, I started to question my commitment to yoga and my authenticity as a yoga teacher, but then it all became clear. Yoga teaches us to become […]

Being Alone

My heart was pounding. My legs were shaky. And, I kept hearing…”Oh Shit!” in my head. Before I get to the good stuff, let me preface the remainder of this story. Each year I spend some time in Cape May, NJ by myself. I use the time to catch up on writing and planning and […]

My Determination to Heal My Body

When I broke my knee cap at the age of 30 and was quickly diagnosed with osteoporosis there after, my spirit felt shattered. I was a vegan. I was a runner. I did yoga… I thought I was doing everything right. After seeing specialists in Philadelphia and Manhattan and running tons of tests on me, no […]