Welcome Home
“Welcome Home,” Pradeep said, as we held downdog. What was he talking about? Where was home? How could this be home if we were thousands of miles away from where we live? I wonder what the monthly rent for a jungle bungalow would be? I have never been to Xinalani; I have never done yoga […]
Where Do You Need To Be?
For me, water soothes, calms and energizes me. When near the water, I feel invigorated, yet peaceful enough to sit in stillness for hours. My mind seems clear and my heart feels fulfilled. I feel at home. For you, water may initiate fear and anxiety. Sitting near water may be the last place you would […]
Be Quiet. Listen. What Do You Hear?
Last Friday, I spent the day with my awesome friend Grace Smith, owner and founder of Grace Smith Coaching, where we didn’t talk to each other, but rather we stopped and listened to each other. Think about this statement for a minute… How often do we participate in dialogue with others and ourselves, but don’t […]
Who Are You?
When I was younger, I defined myself as everything I did rather than who I truly am as a person. I would often tell people that I am a runner. I am a Dean of Students. I am a vegan. But, did that really explain who I am? After years of learning to disassociate myself […]
Don’t Give Up On Giving In!
Please do not misinterpret this statement. I don’t want you to give in to external factors that make you feel uncomfortable, but rather I want you to give in to what makes you feel great. We spend a lot of time giving out our energy, but how often do we GIVE IN? Do we love […]
Cleansing Your Soul
I spend a lot of time talking about proper food choices and cleaning out the kitchen, but what happens when our bellies are filled with wholesome food, we sleep the recommended 7-9 hours and we include yoga asana (the physical practice) and exercise into our daily lives and we are still off? What is creating […]
2014 Manifesto
I share this with you not because I want to change you, not because I want to change me, but rather I want to change some of my habits and live a happier and healthier life. There is always room for growth and improvement! And…sorry for the delay, but I have been attempting to implement […]
Thanks for Giving…
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn, love and live. My life is not perfect, but I will never deny its greatness. My days are filled with love and joy, but only because you helped me get here. Every one of you reading this has played a special part in my life progression and […]
B. U.
BE YOU, because YOU are awesome! Seriously, you are awesome. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “You are awesome!!!!” I spent the last few days surrounded by amazing yogis at the Florida Yoga Journal Conference and as I got to know many of these women I realized many of our conversations focused on their […]
Change Within, Creates Change Throughout
As a sun worshiper and lover of playing in the waves, the shift from fall to winter is always a challenging time of year for me. I cringe at the thought of snow, below freezing temperatures, winter coats and shorter days. Just as the seasons change in the Northeast, so does everything else. Change is […]