I will embrace all of who I am and what I can become.

Hello Everyone!! Well, as promised, I have been consistently inconsistent with my mantras. I am not sure if it is just me or if everyone feels this way, but I feel like I went from 0 to 1000 this year. Obviously 2020 was sadly quiet, 2021 had some life, and now 2022 feels like it […]

I will let go of attachments

I am back from Greece and Fall surely hit me hard. Leaving the sun and sea is always difficult for me, but coming home to colder and rainier weather made it even harder. I guess I need to plan a sunny winter getaway for next year. Who is in with me? Anyways, enough about the […]

You Are Enough

How are you?? I am currently sailing through Greece and soaking up these last moments of sun and sea before Fall hits me upon my return home. I am also loving these last moments of travel with my students. My next retreat and international travel is not until March. So, I just want to embrace […]

I want to see and be seen.

How is your September going? I just returned from Portugal and it was gorgeous! Maybe, I will share more details on that adventure next time. But, while there I finished up the book, We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker. I loved the book and it definitely has some Where the Crawdads Sing vibes. […]

I will find steadiness, stillness and time for reflection.

Ciao Everyone!! How have you been? I know this is a hectic time of year for many of you. Kids start back to school and schedules begin to shift. As September approaches, I find that I begin to slow down a bit. This transition phase from chaos to calm usually prevails through the Fall. More […]

Now Yoga Begins

And, here is one of my favorite mantras from the past… You may have been practicing yoga for weeks, months, years and maybe even decades plus, but our yoga practice is more than just the movements on our mat. I recently read Yoga Sutra 1.1 and for some reason it resonated with me quite differently […]