Filled with Fear!

Filled with Fear! The truth is, I am afraid of a lot! Despite my confident demeanor on the mat and in front of my classes, there are so many things I avoid simply because I am afraid. I know I am not the only one because I see my students, friends, colleagues and family act […]

Stop Questioning. Start Believing. Begin Living.

Stop Questioning. Start Believing. Begin Living. On and off the mat we often lack the confidence we need or want to move forward. We get stuck in a rut listening to our internal dialog telling us the same stories over and over again. We hear the doubt, the questioning and the same old stories that […]

Falling Forward to Look Back

As I flew forward and saw the ground quickly moving towards me, I knew I was about to crash hard. I sat there on the ground trying to regroup myself for what felt like hours, but was more like ten minutes. I said over and over and over again, I am fine; I am fine; […]

Do NOT Ignore the Warning Signs!

Do NOT Ignore the Warning Signs! As some of you know, last week I came down with the flu and bronchitis. I would love to say I listened closely to myself and paid attention to the warning signs and those pesky germs still prevailed. But the truth is, I ignored the warning signs and hoped […]

Take a DEEP Breath

Take a DEEP Breath!!! We all have our moments, our days and our weeks and sometimes those moments last even longer. But, when we take a moment to stop, sit still and just breathe, it somehow becomes clear that it is going to be OK. And, more than often, it will be much better than […]

Be NOT Afraid

Be NOT Afraid! Although this was my mantra for the previous week, I cannot seem to get it out of my head. When I close my eyes to meditate, I continue to hear these words flood my brain. The last few months have been filled with so much change that everything begins to feel scary […]

So Much Has Changed

So much has changed and so much always will. The last several months have been filled with crazy life changes from moving, to adjusting, to changing schedules, adding and canceling events to reevaluating my health and then throw the holidays in there. To say the least, I feel like I have been on an emotional […]

Feeling Full

Happy 2016! As I sit here and contemplate what to write to kick off the New Year, one feeling and word keeps running through my mind…Full! Yes, I do feel a little more physically “full” after two weeks of some extra indulging, but I also feel FULL of LOVE, HAPPINESS and EXCITEMENT for 2016. I […]

Finding Steadiness in Stillness

I love these words: steadiness and stillness. I love how both make me feel. I love that when you combine them they become magical. Can you be steady without stillness? Can you be still without steadiness? I notice in my own practice and I see it in my students’ practice. We can be still but […]