Happy & Healthy

I was sitting in this same spot almost exactly a year ago. But, there is a big difference. My heart was broken along with three different parts of my right foot. It was one of the most painful fractures I endured. With each step I felt tremendous physical and emotional pain. My battle with my […]

Live in the Light

I slept in until 7:15 this morning and my mind began to race and my heart began to beat quickly. I was mad at myself for being so irresponsible and questioned my work ethic, my dedication and my overall drive. Then, I began to question my health. Was I sick or just being lazy? Was […]

A Little Work, A Lot of Heart

If I told myself I could not do things, if I told myself that my dreams were stupid, if I told myself it did not matter, I would not be writing this to you. How often do we shut down our dreams and our ambitions before we even get a chance to try them? My […]

Welcome Home

“Welcome Home,” Pradeep said, as we held downdog. What was he talking about? Where was home? How could this be home if we were thousands of miles away from where we live? I wonder what the monthly rent for a jungle bungalow would be? I have never been to Xinalani; I have never done yoga […]

Transformation is Possible!

As I sat and waited, a gentleman looked over and said, “I just wanted to tell you that you have amazing posture. I wish I had posture like that.” I responded, “Well, thank you. I am a yoga teacher and I work on it a lot. You should try yoga.” He chuckled at that idea, […]

Sit Still and Be Quiet!

I often equated sitting still and being quiet with a negative connotation. I remember as a child that being told to sit still and be quiet was my punishment for misbehaving. For those of you that know me well, or even just a little, know that this was probably pure torture because I still struggle […]

Where Do You Need To Be?

For me, water soothes, calms and energizes me. When near the water, I feel invigorated, yet peaceful enough to sit in stillness for hours. My mind seems clear and my heart feels fulfilled. I feel at home. For you, water may initiate fear and anxiety. Sitting near water may be the last place you would […]

Be Quiet. Listen. What Do You Hear?

Last Friday, I spent the day with my awesome friend Grace Smith, owner and founder of Grace Smith Coaching, where we didn’t talk to each other, but rather we stopped and listened to each other. Think about this statement for a minute… How often do we participate in dialogue with others and ourselves, but don’t […]

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

Today’s topic is a little touchy and a little too personal for most. But, it is one that has been plaguing my mind and heart my whole life and I am assuming it has been plaguing yours as well. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? When you evaluate who you are […]

Stop Pretending and Start Living

I write this to you as I am flying high to San Francisco. Soon I will be in Napa, hosting a yoga retreat emphasizing a life filled with balance: yoga, wine and clean eating. As many of you know, I believe life should be filled with work and play and your play should be your […]