Seek and Find LOVE in EVERYTHING!

Seek and Find LOVE in EVERYTHING! I know for many of you it has been a challenging few weeks between the election, change in seasons, time change… Life is ever-changing, but for many of you this time around it has been quite difficult. I get it; I hear ya; I understand! Life is not just […]

Shine Bright

Most of you reading this are living in the United States, but I know that all of you are watching, listening and anticipating what the future will bring, not just for us here, but for people everywhere. As someone who has always lived in the United States and never even studied abroad, I was unaware […]

Lessons in Italian

I cannot remember a time that I stuffed my suitcase with memorabilia and souvenirs while traveling. I often forgo the trinkets in lieu of life long lessons, which weigh much less, but impact my life so much more. I had the pleasure of traveling to Italy yet again and new lessons were learned and old […]

I was prescribed Xanax

I was prescribed Xanax… I knew that would get your attention! It is the truth, but let me explain… I was prescribed Xanax to help me sleep through my red-eye to Italy next week. I love traveling, but I hate red-eyes. I have tried everything natural and nothing works for me. I am not anxious. […]

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect My new favorite phrase, mantra, description, call it what you will, is PERFECTLY IMPERFECT. I used it to describe my 15 year old marriage last week, but then it began to resonate with me on so many different levels. I very rarely question my path and my journey because I know it is […]

15 Years Ago…

15 years ago… In yoga, we are taught to focus on the present moment rather than the past or future, but I cannot help to think and reflect on how Year 2001 changed my life and my journey so greatly. For being so young, I made some very bold decisions that brought me right here, […]

Changing Perfection Perception

Summer always has me moving, socializing and soaking up the sun. As a result, my practice always changes every summer. The amount of time on my mat becomes less and short pop-up practices become the usual. Similar to many others, we have the opportunity to be much more active, when the sun is shining and […]

Finding Gratitude in Injury

If you have known me for more than a few years, you have seen me hobble, wobble, struggle and triumph through injuries. Despite being as healthy as I thought I could be, I dealt with more injuries than I would like to remember. Broken bones have plagued me since I was a child and continued […]

Moving Meditation

Hey Hey! Happy Almost Officially Summer!!! Summer is my favorite time of year for so many reasons. I love the heat, the energy, the sunshine and all the fun that fills my calendar. I also love that it gives me the opportunity to be quiet and in nature. Long runs, paddle board excursions, wandering walks […]

PodCast With Valley Om

Take some time to listen to my convo with Sue Amato of The Valley Om. We chat about yoga, health, happiness, travel and much more! Enjoy!