I’m Kicking You OUT!!

The sun is finally shining in the Northeast and warm temperatures have been making their appearance! So, this is perfect timing to change up your yoga scenery. Get your yoga booties outside with or without your mat and fall in love with what surrounds you. The Sanskrit translation for the word yoga is to unite, […]

Cleaning Out the Cobwebs

It can be a little dusty, it’s filled with lots of stuff, it’s definitely cluttered. Do you know what I am referring to? For you, it may be your basement, the spare bedroom, the attic, the garage…? But, I am actually talking about your busy mind. There are so many thoughts moving through our minds: […]

Yogi On the Run, March Newsletter, One Happy Island!

I have had the opportunity to travel a lot throughout life and I am always looking for another great location that makes me feel happy, healthy and whole! After returning from a five-day trip to Aruba (AKA One Happy Island), I am excited to announce that I can add Aruba to my list of favorite […]

Bring Your Yoga Teacher to Work!

Life is all about balance! Remember, you need to work hard and then recharge! Too many work environments are one dimensional creating stressed-out, inefficient and unhappy employees. Throughout your day, you need to take a moment to breathe, refocus and reinvigorate. Building yoga into your work schedule can be the perfect solution to your worktime-blues. […]

Warning Sensitive Material Enclosed!

Please be prepared to press your play, rewind, and fast forward buttons! You also may want to pause. Over the years, my life has always had ups and downs and often my health would reflect these ebbs and flows. But, unfortunately there was a stage of my life where my health took a nosedive while […]

Why YOU should LOVE Tulum!!

I could talk about Tulum, Mexico forever and have even contemplated picking up my bags and moving there. But, then, I would miss you all way too much!! There are so many reasons to love Tulum, but I will give you the low down on why you should get there sooner than later. I love […]

May Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Fears!

At the completion of hosting my first retreat, I was kindly handed a journal by one of the attendees that said “May Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Fears.” The message touched my heart and evoked me to reflect on the scary journey that brought me to Tulum, Mexico leading a yoga retreat. (By the […]

New Years List of Bliss!

The New Year should not only be about what you want to clean out, but also what you want to add in!!! Add these to your “To Do” list and make 2013 even better than 2012. Join me and Sadie Nardini in Tuscany for yoga, food and wine. I am not sure if 2013 can […]

Happy, Healthy and Hip X-Mas List!

I LOVE to shop local and the holiday season is a perfect time to support your community! For those that still need to shop…Here are some great gift ideas!! HAPPY! New Year, New You Yoga Retreat in Tulum, Mexico I love sand between my toes, palm trees blowing in the air, sunshine warming my skin […]

Balancing Fest!

Once a year, Musikfest flows through Bethlehem bringing, music, dancing, laughter and lots of cheer. This year, we kicked off the first full day with yoga bringing a sense of balance to this 10-day music festival. We transitioned from Tree Pose to Warrior 3 reminding us that life is all about balance and so is […]