I will stay positive.
Wow!! February is often the most challenging month for me to get through here in the Northeast. And, without any sunshine and palm trees planned until May, I am getting a little bummed out by all the grey in the days. So, what can we do to ward off the winter blues? Well, obviously get […]
I will slow down
I am already missing chatting about the Two Minute Morning. Well, I guess, I really have not stopped. But, I think we can still continue to reflect on it. One of the most important lessons, I have learned from this Two Minute practice is that I can start my day a bit slower and […]
The Two Minute Morning
So, four weeks back, I started talking about the Two Minute Morning. If you missed some of my previous mantras regarding this topic, no worries, simply check out my blog where all my weekly mantras can be found. After introducing this morning ritual, we broke it down each week. So, this week, I wanted to circle back around to […]
I will let go of…
So, the last three weeks we have been focusing on the Two Minute Morning. And, I saved the best for last or at least what I find as the most challenging: letting go! Wow! Can this be a difficult one?!? And, it can take up a lot of unnecessary energy. So, this week, let’s take […]
I will focus on…
This week, I am continuing to focus on the Two Minute Morning because I am still loving it and I hope you are too. Not to be redundant, but this week’s focus is…focus. Simply taking the time in the morning to write down three focal points for the day has been extremely helpful for me. This has […]
I am grateful for…
I hope you did not miss last week’s post where I talk about the Two Minute Morning. If you did, no worries, simply check out my blog where all my weekly mantras can be found. Over the next three weeks, I plan to continue to focus on the Two Minute Morning because I am loving it […]
Two Minute Morning
It happened again… I was listening to a podcast and it all seemed to resonate with me. So, of course, I then wanted to share it with you. As an entrepreneur, my mornings are often all over the place and different everyday. Some mornings I start bright and early with clients and others I […]
Let’s Start Fresh
Hi Again and Happy New Year! Tis the season for new beginnings! And, as yoga teaches us, the past is the past, the future is the future and our hearts and our minds should remain in the present. So, as we forge into 2020, let’s start everyday with a fresh perspective and leave behind […]
Let’s Disconnect to Make True Connections
So, here we are…the craziest week of the year for many of us. Social gatherings and events fill the calendar for the next two weeks. Then, we hit the New Year pretty exhausted. I know there are many things we feel that we cannot control or say no to over the holidays, but one thing we […]
I am more than good enough.
I have gone through phases of making serious restrictions on social media because I personally think it can be a waste of time if you do not pay attention carefully on how and when you are using it. I have even banned it for myself when traveling and during specific times of the day. […]