I Understand.

This week, I am recycling a mantra from a few years ago because when I reread it, it really resonated with me and I thought it may resonate with you too. It is funny, but reality, that we often need to hear things over and over again. When moving through moments of stress or when […]

I will shine bright.

  This week’s mantra is short, simple and to the point. Sometimes, that is exactly what we need. This past year has been a rollercoaster of emotions for us all. Trying to stay positive has often felt impossible and never really easy. This has been extremely challenging for me because I feel as though I am […]

I will see options.

  So, it happened again, today’s mantra is inspired by some words of wisdom provided in an online class with Kathryn Budig. I know. I know. I should not be thinking about our mantras while practicing, but sometimes I just cannot help it. During a fun sweaty flow, Kathyrn said the following and it really […]

I will look inward.

  We often spend time looking for the answers externally. We search, we ask others, we google, but most often the answers are within us. One of the most important components of yoga is learning to self-reflect. In the morning, I always give myself some time before I jump into work and my lengthy to-do […]

Pay Attention.

  Happy Spring! The birds are chirping; the flowers are beginning to bloom and the mounds of snow surrounding my house have finally melt. Thank goodness! Life is full of transitions. I always appreciate the change of seasons to remind me that life is ever-changing. This week’s mantra is just a little reminder to stay aware, […]

I am resilient.

Curious, but how is your yoga practice going? I have been making a conscious effort to be much more consistent with my own practice. During the pandemic, I have been teaching so many privates online that somewhere along the way, I stopped allowing myself time to practice. So, speaking of, I was taking a class […]

Nothing is Permanent.

  Today, I am actually sharing an old post and mantra from over two years ago. I came across it the other day and it really resonated with me and I thought it may resonate with you as well. I believe we see things when we need to and I really needed to see this. […]

Do What You Can…

  Here we are… last day of February. I am hoping that Spring heads our way soon! Once again, this week’s mantra is inspired by a podcast and one of my favorites, Hidden Brain. During the episode Minimizing Pain and Maximizing Joy, the podcast host and guest discuss how to cope with hardship based on ancient philosophy […]

How Will I Use This Time?

  I hope you are all well and getting through winter warm and safe. Back when I could run through Bethlehem without mounds of snow and ice everywhere, I was inspired by a quote I heard on a podcast. I honestly do not even remember the context, but I must have stopped instantly when I […]

Everything is going to be ok.

  I hope you are all well. This Northeast weather is kicking my butt this year. I am craving sunshine and warmth more than ever. And, I do not see any end in sight. I guess my hot baths with epsom salts will need to provide the best getaway I can get right now. Anyways, […]