Learn to Rest, Not to Quit
As you know, I often write down expressions, poems, thoughts that inspire me while reading, listening, doing… And, they always impact what I share with you here. This week is no exception. So, while taking an online yoga class with Kathryn Budig, I heard her say, Learn to Rest, Not Quit. Although the words […]
I will be the light.
So, here we are; we made it through the first month of 2021. Sometimes I see the light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes, I just see complete darkness. But, I am constantly looking and searching for that light. And, this month, what made my heart shine and happy tears roll down […]
A New Life Will Blossom From the Ruins
A few weeks back, I listened to a podcast where they interviewed people from all different walks of life on how the pandemic has impacted them. As you can imagine there were some tears flowing, but there were also some laughs as a 6 year old described how he enjoyed the shorter school days and […]
I will fill in the blank with a positive.
This week, I wanted to share a quote I heard awhile back. When I heard it, I could not stop thinking about how much it resonated with me, especially over the past year. And, so, I thought it may resonate with you too. I heard the quote from another yoga teacher; Kathryn Budig, who […]
I Will Move On and Forward
I hope you enjoyed the holidays no matter what you did! Well, it is official…I can finally say, Peace Out 2020!! I have never been so excited for a new year!! I am sure many of you feel the same! So, rather than dwell on the past and on what we missed out on […]
I Will Find Peace
I know. I know. All we ALL keep talking about is how extremely different this year’s holidays are going to be. We usually host Christmas Eve and we have a house filled with 20 + people and we make enough food to feed 50, but this year will be quiet and it will be […]
I Will Have Fun
I hope you are doing well and staying healthy! As mentioned last week, we know that this year’s holiday season will be different to say the least and we promised each other that we will all try to go with the flow. Although it will be different, I am sure there are ways that we […]
I Will Go With the Flow
Hi everyone! If you are here in the US or if you celebrated somewhere else, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday even if it was different. Josh, Zeek and I had a relaxing holiday at home despite it being Plan C. If this year has taught us nothing else, it has taught us […]
I Miss You
Well, here we are heading into Winter and into the holidays and we are still living in a world of uncertainty. This week, I am simply reflecting on my own feelings for our mantra. I miss you. I miss seeing everyone. I really miss hugging because I am really good hugger. I miss sharing stories […]
We ALL Matter
Wow! What a couple of weeks it has been?!?!? My emotions have been all over the place. It all seems so surreal. Despite being very mentally distracted, I was somehow still able to get some pages read in one of my new favorite books, My Life on the Road, by Gloria Steinem. I could not […]