What Can I Give?

Hello Everyone! This week’s mantra was inspired by a Saint that has always intrigued me. I am not much of a religious person and I’d describe myself as a recovering Catholic, but some of these Saints, or at least the stories we have been told, are extremely inspiring and fascinating. In more recent years, Saint […]

I will dream big.

Well, it has been awhile since I shared some podcast tidbits and it has been awhile since I listened to one. It was nice simply listening to the sound of the sea for a few weeks. But, I am back in town and the sound of traffic is not nearly as appealing. I love the […]

Enjoy the Stillness!

Well, I am back and I am feeling grounded. Fall always has that effect on me. Summer makes me want to move and move some more, but Fall allows me to slow, to stand still, to become a bit calmer and steadier. The darker days, the cooler mornings brings me back to this natural state […]

I will explore.

I hope you are all doing well. After three weeks in Greece, I should be home by now. I say “should” because I often write these a little in advance while traveling. It can be hard to get on the computer and wifi while out exploring. And, I emphasize should because when I am near […]

The Light in Me, Honors the Light in You

Hello Everyone!! Yes, I am still in Greece, but I missed you! I hope you are all doing well. Today, I am recycling one of my favorite mantras from a few years ago. I cannot believe I have been writing blogs and mantras here for over 9 years now. Time flies! I know things change […]

I will surround myself with happy and healthy people.

As I get ready to head out soon to host my first big retreat since 2019, I am ecstatic! I am not just excited to head back to Greece, but also to surround myself with amazing people. Many of these retreat attendees have been holding on since 2019. I am extremely grateful for their patience, […]

I will close my eyes and hear nothing.

Although summer is coming to an end, I feel like it has just begun. What a strange two years it has been?!?!? As our social lives begin to ramp up more than ever, I struggle to find balance between being busy and being still. I feel like we went from zero to a thousand over […]

Become still and the answer will come.

Become still and the answer will come. While traveling, I really tune out the world. So, my podcast listening was at a minimum over the last several weeks, but once home, I cannot resist any podcast that has Oprah’s name included. I actually listened to this podcast twice since there were so many golden nuggets within it. […]

Travel Tip – Let’s Talk About Money!

As many of you know, I have traveled to Greece and Italy this summer and I am heading back to Greece for almost the entire month of September. Yay!! Throughout my travels, I started writing a list of travel tips I think all my fellow travelers should know. Some of them are pretty basic, but […]