I Will Rest.

We often go, go and go until we can’t go any more. We ignore the signs that we are tired, burnt out and exhausted mentally and physically. We have a hard time shutting off and tuning out. With the transition into winter and the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I find myself struggling to […]

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself. Monday’s (especially after a Holiday Weekend!) are often the day when we create the endless to-do list, when we overload our schedules and when we feel the most overwhelmed. The to-do list is inevitable, but what if we took a moment to honor and acknowledge some of our accomplishments? We […]


Tis the season, where stress often gets the most of us. Mantras seem to fade and our calendar and to-do lists explode. We are running around stressed out and often way too fast. So, this week as the holidays in the USA begin and the transition to the holiday season begins throughout the world, let’s just […]

Today is a part of my journey. I will wait patiently for tomorrow.

  Today is a part of my journey. I will wait patiently for tomorrow. Our paths are filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, turns and obstacles in our roads. This ebb and flow brings us balance, grace and gratitude. Stop trying to sprint through your path. Slow down enough to appreciate your journey and […]

Dream Big!

  I often tell my story of leaving my day job behind for pursuing my passions. But, my dreams did not stop there! That would have left me with quite the boring and uneventful life. Could you image if I stopped dreaming at the age of 28?!?!?! That would have been crazy!!! Leaving my job was just […]

I will find steadiness and stillness within

  The last two months have been a whirlwind! From hiking and kayaking the coast of Italy, to a getaway in Brooklyn with lots of dancing, to climbing and admiring ruins in Peru… it has been a fun, crazy and sometimes challenging few weeks. But, as I roamed, I found myself missing home, yet searching […]

I will ask for guidance when needed.

  But, yet, again, I’m leaving on a jet plane. Next week, I head to Peru with 35 of my students. This will be my biggest group yet and it will be on new territory!! But, when you know you are nervous and you know it’s all new, you ask for guidance and help. I’m […]

I am here to LOVE, SHARE & GIVE

  We are here to LOVE. We are here to SHARE. We are here to GIVE. When we recognize this truth, when we accept this path, it all begins to make sense. Rather than asking what is owed to you or what can be given to make your life better, ask how you can help […]

Breathe In, Breathe Out

  ??〰??? This is kinda of what my brain feels like lately. With endless to-do lists and mounting social outings, my brain and body are going a bit haywire. But, every morning, I still make time to get on my mat. I still make time to breathe in and out. I still make time to […]

May my positive energy lift you up, inspire you and help you be strong.

  Our mantras often motivate us, lift us up and encourage us to care for ourselves. This week, we are sending the LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY out because why keep it all in?!?!? We all know there is a lot of negative energy out there so let’s start sharing our amazing and awesome energy. Choose […]