My Path is Practice.

We often forget or don’t realize how much of our path is simply practice. We practice each day how to be better, how to be stronger, how to love more. We practice. Let go of the need to feel and be perfect and embrace the opportunity to practice on your path, not just on your […]

I Have Nothing to Say

Surprise. Surprise. I have nothing to say… Well, we all know that isn’t true, but in an effort to align with last week’s mantra, Lead by Listening, let’s work on our ability to be silent and still. With summer upon us, festivals, parties and lots of excitement fill our schedules. Take a few moments to […]

What You See is What You Believe, Before You Have Looked

I have been quite obsessed with podcasts lately. I spend a lot of my work hours alone and somehow podcasts make me feel connected to the world outside. Of course, I love travel podcasts and during a Rick Steves Podcast regarding the Discovery of the Andes Mountains, Author, Kim MacQuarrie said these words that stuck […]

I will sit and savor the moment.

We are often stuck in the past, living in the future and resisting the present. Our moments are more than just a piece of the past or the future, they are now. The past will always be there and the future will be waiting patiently. Sit and savor the moment. Monday Mantra: I will sit […]

I will embrace the moment rather than attempt to control it.

Every Monday, every day, every hour and every minute is so different than the other. Each moment impacts the next creating an evolving and suspenseful life. We cannot control the moment, the minutes or the day. We can only control our actions and hope that it creates the outcome that we want or need. This […]

Look for the rainbow within the clouds.

  I vividly remember the day this was picture taken. I couldn’t step away from my phone or computer without a new message, a new email, a new ping showing up. Every time I thought it would stop, it just started back up. I even rolled out my mat and attempted to practice, but the […]

I will fill my days with passion.

  Although it has been almost exactly 10 years since I left my “real” job, I still clearly remember the sadness and anxiety I would have when I drove to and from work. I was living the life that I “should” be living rather than the life I truly wanted. Back then, I’m not sure […]

I will surround myself with happy and healthy people

How often do we allow others’ energy to bring us down rather than up? How often do we let others’ attitudes impact ours negatively? How often do we let people’s social media comments piss us off? I know…I know…lots to think about for a Monday. But, all stuff to consider if you want an awesome […]

Weekly Mantra for Spring

Weekly Mantra for Spring I love how Spring days begin cold and then warm. I love knowing that the day will become what I love. Life is all about these beautiful transitions. These transitions make us love the destination even more. Sometimes we need to enjoy the moments of discomfort to truly savor the final […]

I will trust and free myself of fear

I often wonder where I would be if I didn’t take chances, if I didn’t try, if I didn’t trust. The what if’s are endless. The journey is scary, but the rewards are endless and breathtaking. This beautiful picture taken on the island of Anacapri captures it all. I was afraid to step forward, I […]