I will have fun.
As you are reading this, I will be exploring New Orleans with dear friends. Despite the craziness of the holidays, we decided to escape and meet with friends who always keep us laughing and smiling. And, for once, I am not in charge of the travel details and I am sooooo excited!! Our friends are New […]
I am grateful.
As the holiday craziness continues, let’s keep this week’s mantra simple, yet meaningful. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful. With gratitude! XO – L
I will find balance.
Tis the season to become crazy!! Right!?!?! This week marks the beginning of the holiday craze in the United States, despite the fact that holiday music has been playing since October. Ugh!! I am not going to lie, the holidays kinda drive me crazy, so many obligations and so little time. We try to squeeze […]
Keep Moving.
Ughhhh!!! As I sit here and write this, I am cold. Brrr!! It is the first morning where the fall frigid air has set in and I am trying my best not to curl up into a ball and hide from the day. Transitions and shifts are always hard for me and the seasons are […]
I know that I don’t know.
We often make assumptions, judgements or even provide opinions without the full story or all the information. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to admit that you may never know. There are lots of questions that will always remain unanswered to me and I am completely ok with that […]
It is ok to be still.
The transition into fall and the transition into being home for awhile has me feeling grounded, yet unsteady. Prior to leaving for all my travels, my workload seemed completely unmanageable. I felt like I was always trying to catch up and had not one moment to be still. I worked endlessly to finalize all […]
I am not afraid
Truth is…I am afraid of a lot! But, tis the season for spooky, so I thought I would take a moment to concentrate on overcoming fears. Fears come in all shapes and sizes, but some haunt us more than others. But most often, our minds seem to exaggerate outcomes making our fears much bigger than […]
Simply Listen
I am back!! And, this time I am staying grounded for a bit. Or, at least I think so!! You never know:) After a busy fall of traveling I am home where the trees flow in the breeze and the brisk fall mornings have it’s own sense of stillness. We often associate meditation with shutting everything […]
October Travel Tip: Let’s Talk about Money!
Hey There Explorer! As many of you know, I just got back from a month long journey through Italy and Portugal and now I am back at it again; I am in Greece! During last month’s journey, I started writing a list of travel tips I think all my fellow travelers should know. Some […]
I will explore.
Well, that did not last very long… I am off again to explore!! I am heading out this week to Greece to teach some yoga, sail through the sea, hike through the mountains and meet with new friends. I am extremely curious about the world. I am extremely fascinated by other cultures. I am […]