The transition into fall and the transition into being home for awhile has me feeling grounded, yet unsteady. Prior to leaving for all my travels, my workload seemed completely unmanageable. I felt like I was always trying to catch up and had not one moment to be still. I worked endlessly to finalize all planning and programming for 2020 before 2019 even neared its end. Now, I have these moments of stillness that seem odd and often a little nerve-racking.
Additionally, with Autumn in full swing with shorter days and colder temperatures, I feel this urge to be still. But, I am constantly questioning myself, if I should be still. We put so much pressure on ourselves, or at least I do, to be constantly “productive.” Stillness often creates anxiety because we judge ourselves and our lack of accomplishing another task. This week, let’s honor the seasonal transition and our bodies’ as well as our minds’ desire to be still. Let’s not judge ourselves, but rather let’s encourage the stillness. And, who know’s, we may be even more productive after??
This week’s mantra:
It is ok to be still.
It is ok to be still.
It is ok to be still.
Have a peace-filled week!
XO – L
Staying Afloat
Here, I am on my 12th group of the year,