Sit Still and Be Quiet!
I often equated sitting still and being quiet with a negative connotation. I remember as a child that being told to sit still and be quiet was my punishment for misbehaving. For those of you that know me well, or even just a little, know that this was probably pure torture because I still struggle […]
2014 Manifesto
I share this with you not because I want to change you, not because I want to change me, but rather I want to change some of my habits and live a happier and healthier life. There is always room for growth and improvement! And…sorry for the delay, but I have been attempting to implement […]
Thanks for Giving…
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn, love and live. My life is not perfect, but I will never deny its greatness. My days are filled with love and joy, but only because you helped me get here. Every one of you reading this has played a special part in my life progression and […]
B. U.
BE YOU, because YOU are awesome! Seriously, you are awesome. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “You are awesome!!!!” I spent the last few days surrounded by amazing yogis at the Florida Yoga Journal Conference and as I got to know many of these women I realized many of our conversations focused on their […]
Let Today, Inspire Tomorrow!
To be honest and a little blunt, for me, Monday sucked! This was not your usual Monday blahs, but rather a day full of setbacks, mishaps and unpleasant surprises. Rather than stay calm and move through the day as the happy yogi I tend to be, I freaked, I spazzed, I panicked and I think […]