Sit and Breath.

Weekly Mantra: Sit and Breath. This is often extremely challenging. Our to-do lists are never ending and our minds never stop working. This week, I ask you not to clutter the mind with additional words, but rather simply enjoy the silence. These words resonated with me and I hope they resonate with you as well. […]


Weekly Mantra: I LOVE YOU. The holidays seem like they are in the distant past; however, the New Year has just begun. Our agendas and emotions can still be running a bit wild. I find that January can make us all a bit crazy, confused and a little restless. So, let’s start 2018 with a […]


Some mornings I wake with a feeling of uncertainty and question where my path is leading. I feel uneasy, insecure and sometimes even afraid. I/We cannot predict the future. Even the most perfect plan can fail or derail. This morning I sit with uncertainty and find a comfortable spot with it because I know it […]

My Actions Will Express LOVE

Weekly Mantra: My Actions Will Express LOVE As I move forward and onward with my journey, I know that my heart is filled with love. But often, when we are tired, multi-tasking, too busy with life, we forget that although our hearts may be filled with love, our actions may not be. This week, I […]

I Will Seek Change, But Will LOVE What Remains!

Happy 2018! As we scurry to create our agendas, goals, new habits and of course the better versions of ourselves, ?  take a moment to realize how awesome you already are. Take a moment to think about all you have already accomplished and overcome. Then, create your unique goals based on your unique and beautiful life. […]

This is Going to Be the Best Year Yet!

  Mantras and meditation are powerful ways to keep you motivated and positive. Our minds are powerful little sponges and they believe what we tell it. So, rather than just read my mantras, please sit, simmer and repeat. Repetition is key to transformation. This week’s mantra… This is Going to Be the Best Year Yet! […]


  This picture was taking over the summer in Ireland. Sometimes we just sit and talk and I am sure this is an accurate depiction of what I will be doing this week of Christmas with my dear friend and fabulous yoga teacher, Ena Monteleone. By now, I will be on a jet plane heading […]

I Will Say YES!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain I love these words by Mark Twain and often […]

Inhale: Positive Energy – Exhale: Negative Energy

I find that the holidays can bring out the crazy in everyone, including me. I become over sensitive to people’s perceptions and comments. I think it’s a shift of the weather, but also the expectation to be involved in everything during the holidays, when we simply want to hibernate. The negative can begin to weigh […]

I Will Choose Wisely

With so much going on around the holidays… With our schedules over stuffed with craziness… When we are trying to connect with everyone… The question becomes…Do we actually lose authentic connection with those we love and disconnect from what keeps us healthy, happy and sane? With so many options out there, I encourage you to […]