Travel Tip: Pack for anything and anywhere in a carry-on bag!
Hey there explorer! So, I am at it again…the packing prep has begun!! I head to Iceland at the end of the month and my packing is always very thought out because I hate checking bags!!! I travel everywhere with a carry on and backpack!! People often ask me how I do it. And, […]
What is my purposeful purpose?
Lately, I have been reflecting a lot on my purpose. I believe our purpose defines who we are and impacts our decisions and our goals. And, I also believe our purpose shifts throughout our lifetime. So, taking the time to reevaluate and reflect is imperative to moving forward with purposeful purpose. My purpose has shifted […]
I will appreciate the moments in transition…
I love how Spring days begin cold and then warm. I love knowing that the day will become what I love. Life is all about these beautiful transitions. These transitions make us love the destination even more. Sometimes we need to enjoy the moments of temporary discomfort to truly savor the final destination. This week’s […]
I am not afraid.
I often think of myself as pretty fearless, but the truth is there is a lot that I am afraid of. Life can be extremely scary, if we let it be. We can ponder the terrifying “what-ifs” all day or we can live and love with courage and determination. This week’s mantra is super […]
Sit and Breathe.
This is often extremely challenging. Our to-do lists are never ending and our minds never stop working. This week, I ask you not to clutter the mind with additional words, but rather enjoy the silence. Simply, sit and breathe! These words resonated with me and I hope they resonate with you as well. May […]
How Are You?
Ahhh…Here I am last week soaking up the sun in Cuba with my beautiful cousins and 9 other amazing woman. But, truth is..after my retreats, I literally crash from exhaustion. I love coordinating, planning, teaching, hosting, socializing…but once the retreats end, I realize how much energy I gave because my body shuts down. The last […]
My mind is clear, calm, and steady. My thoughts and my to-do list will wait.
I am back from another fabulous adventure, but in return my to-do lists are always overwhelming after travel! A lot has been filling my mind making my focus and my mantra very disorientated this week. In yoga and through meditation, we attempt to calm the craziness and clear the mind. This is not easy, but […]
I love you.
We often give our love and energy away without too much thought. We easily focus our attention on the ones we love. We often love love love others so much, but forget to take time to love ourselves. This week we will recycle one of my favorite mantras that should be in your mind […]
I give myself permission to slow down…
Some mornings…you may just want to hide and hibernate. Be patient with yourself and start the day with one eye open and then the other. It’s ok to have days where you move slower, you have less motivation, you have less gusto. Give yourself permission to move at a slower pace and speed back […]
My Actions Will Express LOVE
As I move forward and onward with my journey, I know that my heart is filled with love. But often, when we are tired, multi-tasking, too busy with life, we forget that although our hearts may be filled with love, our actions may not be. This week, I ask you to not only focus on […]