Be Patient, Kind and Confident

  Summer seems to be coming to an end. For me, this seems extremely strange since the normal events that mark the end of summer have not taken place. No Musikfest this year. No celebrating my birthday for days and often weeks on end with lots and lots of people. And, no preparing for an […]

I Will Keep Dreaming

  This week, I am reflecting on a passage again from Michelle Damiani’s Il Bel Centro. I finished the book awhile ago, but I enjoy going back reading through passages I earmarked. And, this one, wow, did it hit me and move me. “There will be moments of self doubt. That is part of the […]

I Will Keep Trying

  And, again, the story begins with….I was listening to a podcast. And, again from one of my fave podcast’s Oprah’s Master Class. This time, the amazing Sharon Stone talked about her life and how she overcame obstacles. As she was trying to accomplish her dream of becoming a successful actress, her father provided these […]

Do What You Love

  Surprise, surprise… I was listening to a podcast again. Maybe I should pivot my business, as they like to say now, to a podcast and book reviewer?!? Hmmm, I think I may be on to something. You never know?!?!? But, let’s talk this week about one of my fave podcast’s Oprah’s Master Class, which is beyond good and […]

One Day at a Time

  Hey All!! For those in the US, I hope you had a safe and an enjoyable holiday. Here, my world still seems so strange and planning seems impossible. Looking forward is my favorite pastime. Lol. But, I have been trying my best to live in the present moment and appreciate it all. I guess, […]

People will never forget how you made them feel.

  And, again, this week, I bring you something a bit different. Strangely enough, I heard, the founder of Shake Shack, Danny Meyer, (on a podcast, of course) refer to a Maya Angelou quote, which I could not stop thinking about. By the way, Danny Meyer is amazing! Listen to his episode on How I Built […]

A poem, rather than a mantra.

  In addition to listening to a lot of podcasts, I love to read and I read a lot. Since our travels are currently restricted, I have been trying to read books that take place in other countries in effort to fulfill my desire to travel. Some days it works and many days it just keeps me yearning to […]

Be the Change.

  A lot has changed during the last few months, but sadly a lot has stayed the same. I think often about what I, what we, can do to make positive change happen. How can we change the world and make it a better place? How can we leave this place better than we found […]

Don’t Choose Unhappiness Over Uncertainty.

  Again, another gem from my Two Minute Morning Journal….Don’t Choose Unhappiness Over Uncertainty. And, again, so relevant. These last few months have been extremely challenging for me because I am a planner and an organizer. But, with so much uncertainty, it is hard to do either. I am sure that many of you can […]

Better than Before

  Throughout this entire pandemic, one thing that has not changed, has been my two-minute morning ritual. I talked a lot about the process at the beginning of the year and I may recycle some of the material as a reminder for everyone. If you happened to purchase the actual journal, it is filled with […]