Negative Thoughts are Useless

  My mantras are inspired by so many different things, but often they are inspired by someone’s words on a podcast or in a book. When I hear or see these words, I write them down and keep a list going so that when I goto write to you I reflect back on what has […]

Stay Calm

  Hey there everyone! If you are here in the US, or even just watching (which everyone is) the craziness occurring here, you know that this week is going to be extremely challenging no matter which side of the fence you stand on. And, please know that I am extremely saddened that the fence has become […]

No One Can Hurt My Spirit

  Hey everyone! Mantras are back!! I cannot even remember how long I have been posting mantras, but I know it has been quite a few years. So, every once in awhile, it is nice to get really old school and simply write about what I have been up to. I hope you found the last […]

COVID Travel Tips

Hola everyone!! This week is the last of my series on traveling to Vieques. I hope you enjoyed!! I have always loved sharing with you about my travels, but this year makes it a bit different and a bit complicated, kind of like everything in 2020. I promise that mantras will resume next week! But, if […]

So…how did I choose Vieques?

  Hey everyone!! I promise that this week is much more upbeat! I am sharing a bit about our travels and why we chose Vieques. We may not all be able to travel right now, but at least we can dream and maybe start planning for future travels. So, after canceling and canceling more travel, […]

Sometimes you just need to getaway…

Hola everyone!! The next few weeks I decided to share something a bit different. I hope you do not mind. Mantras will be back in full force after because I am always being inspired by the world that surrounds me and I do believe we need mantras to keep us positive and focused. But, I […]

I am resilient.

  I am back after some much needed time away from the computer! I hope you all have been well. This week’s mantra is once again inspired by a quote in Dr. Michele Harper’s memoir, Beauty in the Breaking. I could not stop reading these two sentences over and over again. They reminded me that I am and that […]

I will heal. You will heal. We will heal.

  This week’s mantra is inspired by a quote in Dr. Michele Harper’s memoir, Beauty in the Breaking. Throughout the book she sprinkles in her connection with yoga and in her epilogue she gives such a beautiful description of yoga, and the similarity to medicine, that I wanted to share it in hopes that it […]

I will accept change.

  Although Summer doesn’t technically end until September 22, the end of August always marks a clear transition for me into the next phase. In the Northeast, the days become shorter and a bit cooler, the evenings become a bit quieter and I begin to feel like Winter is right around the corner. Strangely, this […]

What Can I Give?

  This week’s mantra was inspired by a Saint that has always intrigued me. I am not much of a religious person and I’d describe myself as a recovering Catholic, but some of these Saints, or at least the stories we have been told, are extremely inspiring and fascinating. In more recent years, Saint Francis […]