How are you?? I am currently sailing through Greece and soaking up these last moments of sun and sea before Fall hits me upon my return home. I am also loving these last moments of travel with my students. My next retreat and international travel is not until March. So, I just want to embrace each minute and maintain this feeling of gratitude that travel was possible this past year.
Before I left for Greece, I was taking a Peloton class and the instructor said, “You are enough.” Once she said it, I could not get it out of my head. These last few years have been quite the struggle trying to determine what I want to do and, at times, what is even possible. I have questioned my abilities, intelligence and direction more times than I can count. I went from moments of exhilaration and wanting to take on more to moments of wanting to quit it all. Because my business is so intertwined with “me,” I started and I continue to evaluate who I am, by how good or bad business was and is. It is quite the struggle. So, when I heard these words, I knew I needed to hear them and I knew they needed to become a mantra. I think we all need to hear these words. I hope this mantra can guide you through this week and always.
You Are Enough!
You Are Enough!
You Are Enough!
Sending you all love! XO Laurel