I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless and successful for you all. Over here, it has been a whirlwind of excitement and an never ending to-do list. Josh and I are constant task creators, haha. Once we finish one big project, we often jump right into the next one. Buying a house in Italy was its on project. Now, getting it ready to rent is another. But, again, it is all very exciting! This is a perfect segway into this month’s mantra…
I know the to-do lists and our projects will never end, but the way I react to them is crucial to my sanity (haha) and my happiness. Some days, this is much easier than others, but often I need to remind myself that it all does not need to get done at that moment or even that day. My on-going mantra is one step at a time. I try my best to focus on one task rather than try the multi-tasking technique that often leads to inefficiency and mistakes. I close out other browsers, put my phone on do not disturb and I even close my email tab. It is so easy to be distracted, haha. So as we move forward into 2025 and we set new goals, which create lots more things to do, let’s give ourselves permission to work on one thing at a time. It seems so funny that we need to even guide ourselves in this direction, but we do! Let’s use this month’s mantra to help us.
One step at a time. One step at a time. One step at a time.
Wherever you are in the world, I hope you stay warm through February and your to-do lists do not consume your everything.
Sending you all love and the biggest hugs!
XO Laurel