This week’s mantra is inspired by a mind body green podcast that focused on Learning from mistakes, FOMO and how to overcome fears and awkwardness. Well, that’s a lot, ha. But, the author being interviewed, Daniel Pink, raised the question, what if we treated ourselves like we treated others? Then, he continued and suggested, “Treat yourself with kindness rather than contempt.” As I do, I stopped in my tracks and wrote these words down to share with you. I think we all need this as a daily reminder. I know that I am always my worst critic.
I could go on and give lots of examples of how and why I need this as a reminder, but I am sure understand and can relate. So, simply use this week’s mantra as a reminder to treat yourself better today and always.
Treat Yourself with Kindness
Treat Yourself with Kindness
Treat Yourself with Kindness
I hope this mantra resonates!
XO – Laurel