So, here we are, at the beginning of another new year. This often brings such an array of emotions and such an array of goals for many. I try my best to see the New Year as just another beginning and the year is filled with many of them. My goals are constantly changing and evolving and I do not let them be limited to the beginning of the year. Every day is different; therefore, creating a need for ever-changing and ever-evolving goals.
That all being said, many months ago, I wrote down the mantra below in my journal. I heard something somewhere inspiring this note. To be honest, I don’t remember when or why I wrote it down, but it stayed in my 2023 journal in the back notes section as a reminder to stay positive, grounded and realistic.
Sometimes things will turn out better than expected and sometimes they won’t.
Just like many of you, my goals can become consuming, but if we remind ourselves that there is balance in the world, then hopefully amongst the highs and the lows we can find equanimity. As we move into and through 2024, I hope the above mantra helps guide you.
XO – Laurel