I hope you are all doing well and managing the holidays as stress free as possible. This time of year can be extremely stressful if we do not set boundaries. There is always too much to do, but we can choose to politely say, “no,” when needed. Well, this was more of a reminder to myself than probably a message that you needed to hear, ha.
Anyways, that has nothing to do with this week’s mantra. This week, I wanted to express how grateful I am for all of you. We all have struggled over the last two years, but you all have kept me sane and grounded. Being able to write to you, express my feelings and then reading your thoughtful responses has kept me going and has consistently reminded me why I do what I do. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!! Your kindness, your energy, your ability to be here for me has been more needed than you will ever know. This week’s mantra gets directly to the point…
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
Also, I asked last week, but if you have not seen this or had a chance to respond…It has been almost two years since I have held classes in my intimate yoga space. Every moment I felt that it was ok to teach group classes here again, something made me feel differently. But, I am feeling ready, if you are. I am boosted and ready to start hosting you again in 2022. Are you ready? If so, I would love to hear from you and I would love to know what times/days work for you. Let me know by simply responding to this email. I am also hoping to live stream and record the classes. So, if you cannot make it here in person, you will still be able to access the classes. I look forward to flowing with you all again soon!
Well, that is it for 2021!!! Please have safe, healthy and fun holidays! See you in 2022!
With LOVE,
xo – Laurel