Happy New Year! I hope the holidays were fun, yet not too overwhelming. Now, we can officially enter hibernation mode and rest until April?!?! Haha. Well, I hope we can still continue to get out there, but on a scale that does not feel like it is too much. Anyways…this week, I wanted to share something with you that happened before the holidays. I thought this story may start your 2022 with a smile.
A few weeks before Christmas, I planned a girls getaway at my house for my dear friend, Britt and my cousin, Andrea. As I do, I woke up with lots of energy and enthusiasm to take them on a long walk through Bethlehem, also known as the Christmas City. We stopped by one of my fave coffee shops, grabbed some caffeine and we were on our way. About half way through my tour, I realized I dropped my credit card somewhere. (Note to self: Use the inside pocket in your jacket with the zipper, rather than the pockets you are using to warm your hands. Live and learn!) Instantly, my fabulous ladies suggested we turn around and trace our steps. We walked all the way back to the coffee shop and my credit card was not to be found.
Panic and annoyance went through me as I thought of all the bills attached to this card. I started envisioning spending days fixing this mistake. However, I decided I would give it until the next day to see if it popped up somewhere in Bethlehem and by some miracle it would end up in the hands of someone I know. We returned back to my house where I could not stop thinking about this. But, then a Christmas miracle happened. I checked my email and noticed that someone completed my contact form on my website. Someone found my credit card who lives in Bethlehem. Obviously, I responded to the email, but hit another roadblock; her email address did not work. So, I made a guess and removed a letter that was entered twice and the email went through. Wendy quickly responded and said she was willing to meet me with my credit card.
I took a deep breath and was completely overwhelmed with emotion. I went to meet her and gifted my credit card savior with a bottle of wine. This was such a great reminder that there are a lot of good people out there. I was never worried that someone would rack up a big Christmas bill, even though I know that could have happened, but I could not stop thinking about everything associated with this card and how much time it would take me to fix this error. Wendy could have still been a great citizen by cutting it up and throwing it out. But, she went above and beyond to search for me and then meet me.
So, that is my story and I thought it would make you smile a bit as dark winter days loom over us. This story inspired my mantra for the week. It is a great reminder for when we see the negative. Always remember that the positive is out there too.
I will see the positive.
I will see the positive.
I will see the positive.
XO – Laurel