Wishing You an Authentic 2017!
I hope your holidays were filled with love and lots of positive energy. And, I hope 2017 will start with the same ingredients. Before you start writing your 2017 To-Do List and Goals, stop to sprinkle in some love and authenticity.
We often look to others to plan our future. We read books. We ask what others do. We inquire about others’ habits… What do you eat? When, how, where do you workout? How often do you do yoga? Do you meditate, when, where, how? The questions can go on forever. But, what is right for them, may not be right for you. I am not suggesting that we stop inquiring and we stop learning. But, rather than using these as our guidelines, can we simply use them as knowledge to create our own authentic goals?
My specific habits may not be right for you, but you may be able to take a small component of them and incorporate them into your life. Clear goals rooted in your beliefs will allow you to progress and allow you to stay on track. Trust in yourself enough to know that you know what is good for you. (Say that aloud 5 times. haha) Create a path that you can envision and follow.
Start listening to your heart, your mind and your body. It has a lot to say. When we stop letting others guide our journey, our journey becomes the one we want rather than the one everyone else thinks we should have. Be brave. Be bold and allow 2017 to become your authentic year.
Sending you love, courage and positive vibes for 2017!
XO – L
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless