Um, Om, Hmm, this is a tough topic and one that a lot of us deal with on and off the mat. We want to be perfect! I am not suggesting that we should not have goals or standards, but are yours so far out of control that you are actually a self-bully? Do you talk to yourself as well as you would talk to others? Do you judge your every move or talk badly to yourself after you made the move?
The real challenge isn’t finding perfect, but rather, it is redefining it. Redefining your perfection requires a lot of soul searching to determine what your perfect is and what you think it is going to provide you.
When I step back and I think it through thoroughly, my perfect includes a life full of balance, love and positive energy. So, if moving towards a goal makes me feel out of control or overwhelmed, I am not living a life of balance nor perfection. So as I redefined my perfect to include love and positive energy, I began to create goals that challenged me, but also uplifted me.
When my outlook and my goals include self-love, I realize that perfection is already within me. Perfection is not just within me; perfection is within you! I repeat…Perfection is within you!
So as we move through fall, I challenge you to revaluate your goals and standards and make sure they are rooted from a place of love and kindness. These are the goals that will help you move through a life filled with happiness and health!
Sending positive energy and hugs!
P.S. I Love You
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless