Where Do You Need To Be?
For me, water soothes, calms and energizes me. When near the water, I feel invigorated, yet peaceful enough to sit in stillness for hours. My mind seems clear and my heart feels fulfilled. I feel at home. For you, water may initiate fear and anxiety. Sitting near water may be the last place you would […]
Be Quiet. Listen. What Do You Hear?
Last Friday, I spent the day with my awesome friend Grace Smith, owner and founder of Grace Smith Coaching, where we didn’t talk to each other, but rather we stopped and listened to each other. Think about this statement for a minute… How often do we participate in dialogue with others and ourselves, but don’t […]
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
Today’s topic is a little touchy and a little too personal for most. But, it is one that has been plaguing my mind and heart my whole life and I am assuming it has been plaguing yours as well. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? When you evaluate who you are […]
Healthy, Happy and Hip X-Mas List!
It’s that time of year where I share my favorite products and places in one blog and hope that it guides your shopping habits and makes the ones you love happier than ever. All my products and places are small businesses and have a special place in my heart. The owners of these businesses […]