I Will Simplify

We always want to add more, do more and buy more. Let’s think of what we can do less, which often makes us much more efficient and much more sane. Before you add another agenda item to your list, another meeting to your calendar, another item to your shopping cart online or in the store, […]

Positive Vibes Only

It is easier to see the dark rather than the light. It is easier to give into the negative rather than trying to turn it into a positive. It is easier, but definitely not more productive nor uplifting. Negativity spreads quickly and our ability to dodge it often becomes skewed. We have the vision to […]

I will connect. I will create connections. I will be connected.

Weekly Mantra: I will connect. I will create connections. I will be connected. The actual definition of yoga has been translated a lot of different ways, but the most common is, to yoke, to union, to join. I pride myself on connecting others with future friends, potential business and sometimes even travel buddies. I love […]

Keep It Simple

Sometimes we over analyze, over critique, over think and even over reflect. Often, it’s not necessary. Let’s determine where we need to focus our energy and where we do not. So, this week, simply recognize when this happens and repeat the following mantra: Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Sending you love and […]

Now Yoga Begins

You may have been practicing yoga for weeks, months, years and maybe even decades plus, but our yoga practice is more than just the movements on our mat. I recently read Yoga Sutra 1.1 and for some reason it resonated with me quite differently than ever before. Atha yoga anushasanam Now yoga begins This time […]

Nothing is Permanent

Sadness, happiness and even vacations are not permanent (although, we may want vacations to be;). The good and the bad begin, but they also end. The key is to understand impermanence and see joy in the transition rather than the destination. In yoga, we often focus on the final pose, but rather the focus should be on […]

Dream Big this year Leading Yoga Retreats

Dream big! Let’s Dream Big this year. Years ago I had a dream to lead yoga retreats around the world. I often tell my story of leaving my day job behind for pursuing my passions. But, my dreams did not stop there! That would have left me with quite the boring and uneventful life. Could […]

I Will Look Inward.

  We often spend time looking for the answers externally. We search, we ask others, we google, but most often the answers are within us. One of the most important components of yoga is learning to self-reflect. In the morning, I always give myself some time before I jump into work and my lengthy to-do […]


I often think of myself as pretty fearless, but the truth is there is a lot that I am afraid of. Life can be extremely scary, if we let it be. We can ponder the terrifying  “what-ifs” all day or we can live and love with courage and determination. “But what if I fail of […]

I will find JOY!

Weekly Mantra: I will find JOY!   I have a unique and very special business that allows me to travel the globe to beautiful and exotic places. My toes are often in the sand, warm air often surrounds me and nature usually wakes me. But, I must admit, home is where my heart is. Although […]