I cannot believe I have not written a mantra since May! Whoa! But, to say that summer was eventful would be an understatement. I spent almost the entire months of June and July in Italy for work and some vacation. Then at the end of August, I returned to Italy to explore Sardegna. I need to do a blog post on this adventure. The food, the wine, the sea, the coast were all absolutely amazing. Josh took the above picture of Zeek and I having the best time ever there. Then, I spent a lovely week in Mallorca with my dear friend Carrie Morgan hosting our first retreat together. It has been a very busy travel season. Now, I am home for awhile. Or, at least, I think so, hehe. My hope now is to write a monthly mantra throughout Fall and Winter, fingers and toes crossed.
This mantra was inspired by some restless nights of sleep. We all have them or at least I think so. If you are the magical unicorn that can sleep through it all, please fill me in on your secrets. But, for most of us, waking up in the middle of the night with wandering thoughts happens. For me, when it does, none of the thoughts are productive; they only seem to keep me up and keep me worrying. My original mantra started as think less, dream more. Then, it developed into worry less, dream more because ultimately the majority of my thoughts were worries, not productive thought. Then, one morning after my yoga practice, I thought…this mantra can be applied during the day and/or a great way to start the day. Dreams are not just meant for sleeping. So, I began to start my day with worry less, dream more. What a better way to direct energy!
Worry Less, Dream More
I hope that you find this mantra useful and it can help guide you through restless moments in the middle of the night and during the day.
Xo – Laurel