How are you?? As I always do before I travel, I get excited and nervous all at the same time. I head to Spain this week and from there I head to Italy for a few weeks. Keep your eyes peeled on social media for some pictures of both retreats and then some additional exploring afterwards.
I have been writing, sending and recording mantras on my website for 5 years. Prior to that, I shared them on social media. Often people will reach out and mention a specific mantra that has resonated with them. So, I decided to take the next few weeks and share some of mine and others faves. I believe reminders and repetition are the key to productive outcomes. So, I hope you enjoy today’s mantra and the ones I will share over the following weeks. I believe reflection is healthy and keeps us moving forward. We need to know where we were to know where we are going. I will use this week’s mantra to guide me over the next few week’s.
Reflection is required.
Reflection is required.
Reflection is required.
I hope this mantra resonates with you and will help guide you throughout your week. I hope to see you somewhere soon!
XO – Laurel