How are you?? Well, I am ready for Spring! This Northeast dark cold weather has really gotten me down lately. Getting out for runs and walks has been limited. The lack of fresh air really starts to get to me. Hopefully, you are living somewhere warmer and sunnier! Anyways, that is enough about the weather.
Besides the weather, 2022 has been off to a rough start for many of us. Personally, we have dealt with some really challenging issues and obstacles making that “get up and go” and “be positive” New Year’s attitude and motivation a bit difficult. However, despite what we have going on, I realized how extremely lucky we are because we have amazing friends and family. Although difficulties do not go away just because you have loved ones surrounding you, somehow they seem bearable. The beginning of the year has been a great reminder to me that we are not alone and that we do not need to move through this journey alone. So, I encourage you to reach out to those you love to give and get support. We often have the urge to help, but we need to be open to accepting it as well. Let’s use this week’s mantra as a reminder.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
Sending you all LOVE,
XO – Laurel