Hey there!!
How are you?!!? Have you been getting on your yoga mat?!!? Well, to be completely honest, which I always am, my mat time was quite minimal over the last several months. I often say that running is my time to think and yoga is the time where I shut off my brain. For me, that quiet time has been extremely challenging for awhile.
Yoga has taught me so much over the years, but most importantly, it has taught me to slow down and become still. That stillness has been so difficult for me as the world stays in a state of uncertainty and yet in a state of constant change. But, a few weeks back, I decided I was going to start committing more time to my practice by slowly adding more minutes on my mat weekly. (Just a little side note, I do not count teaching time as my own personal practice time and I always start my morning with a few yoga poses, but I was not committing to practicing more than once a week.) As winter continues and my time outdoors lessons, I felt that this was the perfect time to start again and to find stillness again.
I am sharing this because I know that we all struggle with this and I want you to know that you are not alone. Yes, I have been teaching yoga for fifteen years now, practicing for almost twenty and still I find phases and moments where I struggle. But, the key is to give yourself permission to accept where you are currently at today. Everyday is different and we are different everyday. So, let’s use this week’s mantra to help us accept where we were yesterday, where we are today and where we will be tomorrow. This week’s mantra:
I accept myself.
I accept myself.
I accept myself.
Xo – Laurel