Well, I am back and I am feeling grounded. Fall always has that effect on me. Summer makes me want to move and move some more, but Fall allows me to slow, to stand still, to become a bit calmer and steadier. The darker days, the cooler mornings brings me back to this natural state of hibernation. But, with less on the agenda, I find it imperative to think about how I spend my time.
I have always been an advocate of reducing screen time and social media time as much as possible. But, over the last two years, I found it so important to maintain my health. Don’t get me wrong, I have my days where I find myself going down the rabbit whole of news watching and social media scrolling. Rarely, does it end with me feeling better. It takes one headline or one post to sadden my day. When I self-reflect on this, I put up more stringent barriers such as no social media after 5:30pm or no checking emails on weekends because that often leads down a road of working for hours on the computer. We all need and deserve time away from our devices. And, let’s be honest, the news always highlights the negative and rarely highlights the positive. So, as much as I want to stay in the loop, I need to keep my exposure to a regulated amount. Anyways, I am not here to give you more rules, but just some thoughts and observations on how the news, social media and just a lot of time on devices impacts me and maybe it impacts you in the same way.
So, this week, let’s shut off the computers, put down the phones and take some time to disconnect from it all. Then, just observe how you feel and take a moment to enjoy the stillness. Allow this week’s mantra to guide you.
Enjoy the stillness.
Enjoy the stillness.
Enjoy the stillness.
Xo – Laurel