Become still and the answer will come.
While traveling, I really tune out the world. So, my podcast listening was at a minimum over the last several weeks, but once home, I cannot resist any podcast that has Oprah’s name included. I actually listened to this podcast twice since there were so many golden nuggets within it. Take a listen when you have a moment.
During the podcast, amongst Oprah’s many words of wisdom, she said…”When you are still, regulated and calm, the answer will come.” So often we are searching for the answers while we are in a state of panic and chaos. Don’t worry, I do it all the time too. But, what if we took a few moments to pause, take a moment to calm down, to recenter and then search. I have struggled with this my entire life and this past year-ish has made it even worse. However, this was a great reminder to stop before we start searching. Let’s use the fabulous Oprah’s words to help guide us this week.
This week’s mantra:
Become still and the answer will come.
Become still and the answer will come.
Become still and the answer will come.
In addition to her words of wisdom, she also gave her secret to removing stains. Dab it with a little sparkling water and keep at it. Maybe, this will be a little easier to implement than becoming still. Ha.
Xo – L