I hope you are all well and getting through winter warm and safe. Back when I could run through Bethlehem without mounds of snow and ice everywhere, I was inspired by a quote I heard on a podcast. I honestly do not even remember the context, but I must have stopped instantly when I heard it and made a note of it on my phone. When I write my weekly mantras, I review my notes to see if anything jumps out at me and the quote I am sharing with you today made me stop, reflect and then write. This note has been on my phone for months, but today it really spoke to me.
“Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people think of using it.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher
I know our time has been spent and used quite differently over the last year, but can we find things that utilize our time rather than just spending it? Professionally, I have obviously needed to adapt and find different ways to offer my services, rather than simply “spending” time focusing on what I could not do. Personally, I have made more time for getting on my yoga mat, I have read more than ever and I have made extra time to study Italian. So, this week, let’s simply reflect and ask ourselves, how will we use this time? We all have the same amount of minutes in the day. How do you want to use them? Let’s use this week’s mantra to guide us.
How Will I Use This Time?
How Will I Use This Time?
How Will I Use This Time?
Enjoy your seconds, minutes, hours, days and week!
With love and gratitude,
xo Laurel
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless