It happened again… I was listening to a podcast and it all seemed to resonate with me. So, of course, I then wanted to share it with you. As an entrepreneur, my mornings are often all over the place and different everyday. Some mornings I start bright and early with clients and others I am working instantly on a spreadsheet or chatting with others in different time zones. I don’t have much structure, which often has me feeling a bit crazy each morning. I am sure you can all relate no matter your situation. Mornings can just simply be rough no matter how much you enjoy getting out of bed.
So, when I heard about the 2 minute morning, I thought to myself, this sounds great!! 2 minutes!!! I do always try to get on my mat for a few minutes in the morning as well, but the 2 minute morning gave me some structure on my thoughts and where they are at the moment as well as where they are heading for the day.
Neil Pasricha provides the following guidelines in his two minute morning ritual that he suggests journaling. Start your day with the following…
I will let go of…
I will be grateful for…
I will focus on…
These have all been extremely helpful for me. Letting go can be extremely challenging and those are thoughts that often waste my brain space and attention. Starting the day with gratitude is a perfect way to rise and shine. And, finding focus can be so challenging in a world where we are all being pulled in a million directions. So, choosing to have one thing we are focusing on for the day provides that structure we need to move forward and feel that we are accomplishing goals.
So, this week isn’t exactly a mantra, but it is a perfect way to start the day and can constantly be referred back to throughout your day. Enjoy and let me know how it is going by simply responding to this email.
With gratitude, xo
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless