Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
– Mark Twain
I love these words by Mark Twain and often refer to them as a reminder to not get caught up in the world of “no.” As the New Year appraoches, we often begin to build our lists of, “NO!”
I will no longer eat this.
I will no longer drink that.
I will no longer do this or that.
This can be exhausting and often feel quite negative. We tell ourselves everything we think we do wrong and how we can eliminate it from our lives.
What if we changed our perception and made it a year of YES?!?!?
I will say YES to having more fun!
I will say YES to a new business opportunity!
I will say YES to traveling and adventure!
I will say YES to getting on my yoga mat more!
Saying, “YES,” feels so much better than saying, “NO!”
So for this week, start building your YES LIST and begin to give yourself permission to say, “YES!”
This Week’s Mantra:
I will say YES!
Have a beautiful week and enjoy all the upcoming celebrations!
Love, Love, Love…
XO – L
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless