I Quit…
I remember the day I walked away from what I thought was a great career and a great future. I remember judging myself and letting others judge me. I remember quitting like it was yesterday. The flow of tears that were often shed and the anxiety churning within paralyzed me, but then I did it; I quit.
It has been more than 10 years since I quit “my real job.” Honestly, it was the day I quit being unhappy. I LOVE what I do. I work more hours now than I ever did, but I have created my “dream” job, rather than my “real” job.
Recently, when speaking to a group of young ladies at one of my yoga events, they asked me, with lots of curiosity, what company I work for and who hired me to host retreats. They inquisitively asked if it was travel agents, hotels, resorts, yoga studios… I proudly responded, “I work for myself and I create and host my own retreats.” As proud as I was to answer as I did, that moment was not about me, it was about them. We often think we need to find our dream job, rather than create it. I encouraged the ladies to follow their heart and create a career with passion and create a “job” they love.
We have the choice to love our life and to fill it with activities we love. So, get started, begin to dream, begin to create, become brave and be daring. In the process of creating a dream job, you will inspire others to do the same. If we all loved what we do, how much more love would be out in the world? This is your chance to take your yoga off the mat and into the world.
And, if you already love what you do, inspire others to make the change. They will appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement.
May your days be filled with love, life and sparkles!
XO – L
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless