I hope you are enjoying your summer. It seems to be flying by, as always for me! Since being home, I have not done much of anything besides hang out at our house, catch up on work and prepare for a hectic fall travel schedule. And, my brain seems to be so focused on upcoming travel details, that I had a difficult time choosing a mantra. So, I decided that for the next few months, I will recycle some of my favorites from the past. Based on my chaotic energy lately, I thought the below mantra was perfect and a great reminder.
I will find steadiness, stillness and time for reflection.
Also, I recently was on the Bittersweetlife podcast and we talked about how different life can be from one country to another and how I adapt to the changes. While talking, I realized how much easier it is for me to slow down and take time to do something as simple as watch the sunset while I am in Italy. Culturally, it seems so much more appreciated and accepted that I rarely miss a sunset while I am in Italy. Take a listen to hear some of the other things I have observed about my dual persona, American and Italian. I hope you enjoy the podcast and I am sure I will be back on again to talk about other related topics.
Although you may not be traveling as much as me, I know life can be hectic no matter where you are in the world. I hope the above can be used as a mantra to guide you through summer and beyond.
XO Laurel