Ciao Everyone!
I hope you are all transitioning into fall successfully. I cherish my fall mornings where I blast the heat in the studio, light a candle and work as I wait for the sun to rise. I miss my summer morning ritual where I head right outside and take in the early morning fresh air, but there is something so peaceful about the dark mornings and trying to ward off the chill in the air. It is a nice reminder that change is inevitable and needed.
So, here I am keeping my promise. It is month number two and I am back with another mantra. I cannot believe that the year is coming to an end. I do not want to rush it, but 2024 is right around the corner. And, as we transition through fall and into winter, into the holidays and soon into a new year, I believe it is more important than ever to stay grounded. A few months back, while trying to balance many other’s needs without losing sight of my own, I wrote a mantra to myself that I kept on my phone in my reminders so that I constantly saw it. And, it is still there:) The holidays are often a time where we forget what we need in an effort to give others what they need. So, I thought I would share this mantra that I have been walking around with.
Know that there is a solution that not just helps others, but helps you.
We can still help others and continue to care for ourselves. We “just” need to make ourselves as much as a priority as others. You are just as important. I know that this is not easy, but this is why we have our mantras. I hope that you find this mantra useful and it can help guide you through the upcoming holidays.
XO – Laurel