How are you doing? I always ask because I always want to know. Connection with others is what I care about most, but over the last two years that became a bit difficult. I am an introvert and disconnection is my defense mechanism. Naturally, my instinct is to want to be alone. But, yoga and my business has helped me make so many authentic connections over the years that my disconnection phase does not last too long. So, I ask, and I really want to know. My emails and mantras require me to maintain a connection even if we cannot be together in person. I love sharing my thoughts with you all and I hope you feel the same.
Speaking of that…a few weeks ago I was going through a phase where I really wanted to give up and, naturally, I started to disconnect. It has been a very long two years and I was hoping that 2022 would start with a bit more positivity. So, I was sulking and feeling pretty down and then I made a decision. Rather than focusing on what this year was not going to be, because I had dreams that it would be similar to the blissful days of 2019, I decided I would change my vision, my outlook.
I needed a perspective shift. So, I was getting on the spin bike and it came to me. Rather than look at this year as another let down, I would look at this year as a year of growth, personally and professionally. I spent 2020 and 2021 panicking and constantly “pivoting” and I refuse to let another year go by where I am in a constant state of stress. We cannot control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we respond to it. So, I encourage you to also find ways that help you grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I am working on it and I hope you will too. Let this week’s mantra guide you throughout the week and always.
I will continue to grow.
I will continue to grow.
I will continue to grow.
I hope this mantra resonates with you. See you here or out there somewhere soon!
XO – Laurel