This week, I am reflecting on what a crazy year 2022 has already been for all of us. The emotional roller coaster continues, but it seems to have steadied out a bit (fingers and toes crossed). I feel very fortunate to have taught this year near and far. Last week, while hosting my Poconos Yoga Getaway, I thought back to a year ago when I taught in the same spot with tears rolling down my cheeks. I missed everyone so much, but was also terrified for everyone’s safety. Trying to find balance between staying sane, running a business and being mindful has been extremely hard. Trying to determine what is right and what is safe has been and continues to be baffling. But, as I sat there in the Poconos, I could no longer cry. I could only smile and reflect on how resilient we all are. We are making it through one of the most challenging times of our lives together. We are making it to the other side. I am trying not to get too far ahead of myself, but I do believe the light at the end of the tunnel is visible and shining bright.
So, as we continue to move forward together, let’s continue to recognize and appreciate how resilient we all are. I am, you are, we are resilient. Let’s use these words to guide us this week because we are all in this together and we will all get through this together.
I am, you are, we are resilient.
I am, you are, we are resilient
I am, you are, we are resilient
Sending you all love and strength!
XO – Laurel