Yes, I am back on track with podcast sharing, but I am sharing another quote from the same episode I mentioned last week. Have you listened to it yet? If not, what are you waiting for?
As I mentioned last week, I love the podcast “We are Supported By…” with Kristen Bell and Monica Padman. They interview women from all different walks of life and they share inspirational stories and info on how we can all be better humans. Last week, I shared a quote from the episode with Reese Witherspoon and I am sharing another this week. Hopefully by now, you listened to it and you heard this gem, but if you have not, get going and listen.
“Karma doesn’t lose an address.”
Reese was talking with Oprah and she said that Deepak Chopra texted her that. It made me giggle at first because that whole conversation cycle seems so outrageous, but then it started to settle in. I firmly believe that if you are kind, it will always come back to you somehow. I guess, the opposite could be true as well, but let’s focus on the positive and give ourselves a little reminder.
I will be kind to others and myself.
I will be kind to others and myself.
I will be kind to others and myself.
Sending you love and kindness!
XO – Laurel