For those who celebrate, Happy Easter! And, even for those who don’t, Easter always feels like the official start to Spring and the official start to transformation. We air out the house; we clean out the closets; we begin to make changes, big and small. We can feel summer approaching. We can feel and see the transitions happening in front of us and within us.
So as we begin to move forward with all these changes, let’s take time to reflect on how we can be the change that we want to see in the world. We don’t need to change our careers or give up our car. But, maybe…we can walk more; improve how we communicate with others, enhance how we care for ourselves or simply change our attitude about change. As always, let this week’s mantra guide us.
I will be the change.
I will be the change.
I will be the change.
No matter where you are on the map and no matter the weather, let me know how it is going by simply responding to this email.
With gratitude,
XO – L
One Step at a Time
I hope the beginning of 2025 has started off stressless