I am resilient.
Change is often challenging, but more than ever we want change to happen. We want change to happen quickly allowing us to go back to “normal.” But, change may not happen as quickly as we would like. If you live here with me in Bethlehem, our stay at home order just got extended to […]
I Will Adapt.
I have spent a lot of time listening to podcasts lately, surprise, surprise. Unfortunately though, most of them have been coronavirus updates. But the other day, when listening to one of my fave podcasts by NPR, How I Built This, the person being interviewed said, “We must adapt. Adaption is necessary.” The chef, Jose Andres, […]
Be Patient.
I am trying. I am trying my best. I am trying my best to be patient. Let’s bring our collective energy together this week and channel our inner strength to remain patient. This week’s mantra: Be Patient. Be Patient. Be Patient. Sending you all love and virtual hugs! xo – L
This moment is all we have.
We all have been doing things differently. We all have been forced to reroute and reorganize our lives. We have all been forced to take a pause. As a planner and someone who is often focused on what is next, this has all been extremely challenging for me. Because, we do not know what […]
I will be the change.
For those who celebrate, Happy Easter! And, even for those who don’t, Easter always feels like the official start to Spring and the official start to transformation. We air out the house; we clean out the closets; we begin to make changes, big and small. We can feel summer approaching. We can feel and see the transitions happening […]
I will pause.
I often start my classes asking my students to take a pause, asking them to slow down, asking them to be still… Typically, our days are so fast paced we need to constantly be reminded to take a deep breath and take a moment to simply be. Now, here we are. Everything seems to […]
I will be confident.
To say the last few weeks have challenged my confidence would be an understatement. I started 2020 feeling as though this would be the best year ever for my business. I was pretty much sold out for the year and already planning for 2021. I was moving ahead and planning as I should. Then, as […]
I will embrace change.
I am an early riser. And, after the whole clock shift, the mornings go back to darkness. This can be extremely hard. We seem to move closer and closer to Spring, but then this somehow seems to set us back a bit, or, at least for me. Although, the warming weather and the sounds of the […]
I will trust.
Well, I am back from another amazing adventure. I do not particularly care for cities, but I do love Amsterdam. The last time I checked in, we discussed the what ifs, which can be overwhelming and often debilitating. My what ifs before traveling can often lead to sleepless nights and lots of worry throughout […]
I will let the What If’s go.
This week marks the beginning of my travel season and it lasts until the Fall. On Friday, I head off to Amsterdam with an amazing group to explore art, architecture, fabulous food and of course get in some yoga together. Then, at the end of the month, I head back to Sicily to visit an amazing […]