As you read this, I will be enjoying my first day in Greece. It has been almost a year and a half since I made an international trip and almost two years since I was last in Greece. I am excited to be back out there adventuring and seeing the world. If you are on social media, keep your eyes peeled for some pics and videos! I plan to share a lot. And, I am sure I will fill you all in on my travel details here.
This week, I am back with a Glennon Doyle excerpt from her book Untamed. I know. I told you. This book is filled with a lot of great stuff. Have you read it yet??? I also thought this quote and mantra were great timing since I am traveling and I know many of you are starting to take summer vacations.
“Hard work is important. So are play and nonproductivity. My worth is tied not to my productivity but to my existence. I am worthy of rest.”
I know that I will be working while I am in Greece, but I also plan to take some time to play, rest and be non-productive. Let’s use this week’s mantra to guide us all.
This week’s mantra:
I am worthy of rest. I am worthy of rest. I am worthy of rest.
Have a fun-filled and restful week!
With love and gratitude,
XO – Laurel
Less is More.
How are you? I am getting ready for a very