Non-Judgement Day

Celebrating the New Year should never be about guilt, sadness or an opportunity to punish yourself with strict guidelines. Rather, the New Year should be about living more, exploring more and learning to become happier and healthier! Fill your 2015 goals with love, laughter and life and you will begin to naturally feel happier and […]

Ditching Fear & Guilt!

Fear fills our hearts. Guilt plagues our souls. Often we make decisions based on these two factors allowing them to consume our lives. Take a moment to reflect on something as simple as your plans throughout the summer. How many activities are on your calendar because you are afraid to say “no” or you will […]

Yogi On the Run, March Newsletter, One Happy Island!

I have had the opportunity to travel a lot throughout life and I am always looking for another great location that makes me feel happy, healthy and whole! After returning from a five-day trip to Aruba (AKA One Happy Island), I am excited to announce that I can add Aruba to my list of favorite […]